Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Crap, Crap Everywhere

Okay, so it's a New Year and I thought I'd give the "blog thing" another try.  I have to admit I'm kinda ADD when it comes to sticking with things, so....hmm, yeah.  Anyway, I'm still a SAHM to kids 9, 5, and 1 -- and insanely busy!  I'd love to say that I cook perfectly balanced meals and my home is magazine worthy, but this is real life.  I'm happy to get mostly nutritious food on the table and the toys/clothes/soccer gear picked up.

The ONE thing I'm forcing myself to stick with is decluttering my life and home.  I live in a perfectly cozy home but it's filled with loads o' crap.  I've realized I spend more time trying to organize clutter than I'd like and this robs me of time, which is already a short commodity.  More importantly, I've realized I don't want my kids to follow our example and live cluttered lives themselves.  I've been reading lots of blogs on minimalism and I've been inspired.  I stumbled upon this post "21 Benefits to Owning Less" and I felt it really spoke to my feeling of being on the "treadmill" of life.  I don't want to be on the treadmill...I want to stroll through the park.  To inspire myself, I've been reading minimalism blogs each night to maintain momentum.  So far so good.  As I look around, there are tons of things we could do without.  What things can you do without?